Person to Person
21-P-1 TV, 40, little exper. in dress. wishes hear from more ex per. girls or undrstndg women, will ans. all Harriet--Mass.
14-P-1 Married TV desires corres. meet other TVs in Chicago-Ham- mond area. Will corres w other TVs elsewhere Dorette--Ind.
15-N-1 Married TV, 33, Coll. grad.--journal. pub. relations meet TVs with cult. intrsts Iowa--Ill. Make trips Fla. & West, like contacts there too. My pics pg. 41 this TVia. Marilyn--Iowa.
32-H-1 TV in N.Y. Love to hear from all TVs, will ans. at once. Exch. pics & meet. Am undrstndg of most subjects Rita--N.Y.
5- B-8 I and friends wish meet TVs in San Fran. & women not mind- ing having husbands who are amateur impersonators Sylvia-Calif.
32-S-7 TV, 40, like meet any TVs in Staten Island, New York area but will correspond with TVs anywhere Carolyn--N.Y.
Like to corres. with TVs living on West Coast or in New York City area--Specially interested in Lingerie Suzanne-Texas 15-R-1 Married TV, 32, Corres & meet other TVs. Will answer all letters. (Not same person as 15-N-1 above-Ed) Marilyn--Iowa
NOTICE: Do not send any letters which are to be remailed to the Chevalier Publications Box. Send answers in stamped unsealed en- velopes to CONTACT 4924 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles 19, Calif.